Python: Nested Conditional Statements in Python: Understanding the If-Elif-Else Chain.

Nested conditional statements are a powerful programming tool for making more complex decisions based on multiple conditions. In this short article, we'll look at nested conditional statements in Python and how to use them in real-world applications with the If-Elif-Else chain.

           A nested conditional statement is one that is contained within another conditional statement. You can nest as many conditional statements as you need in Python to make the most complex decisions. The syntax for a nested If-Elif-Else statement in python is defined below.

Let’s explain the above code snippet.

Let’s explain the above code snippet.

-       Condition1, condition2, and condition3 are conditions that evaluate to True or False in the above example.

-       The inner if statement examines condition2, and if it is True, the code that is contained within that if block is executed. If condition 2 is False, the programme proceeds to condition 3, and if it is True, the code contained within the elif block is executed.

-       If both condition 2 and condition 3 are False, the code in the else block is executed.

-       The outer if statement checks condition1, and if it returns False, the code within the else block is executed.

Let’s apply this to a real-life example.

Consider a real-world scenario in which we want to calculate the tax owed by a person based on their income and tax bracket. We have three tax brackets in this scenario:

·       Up to $50,000: 10%

·       $50,001 to $75,000: 15%

·       Over $75,000: 20%

Here's how we can use a nested If-Elif-Else statement in Python to calculate the tax owed by a person based on their income:

Let’s explain the code snippet above

In the example above, the user is prompted to enter their income, which is then stored in the income variable. Then, we use an If-Elif-Else statement to check the income variable's range and determine the corresponding tax bracket.

If the income is less than $50,000, the programme calculates 10% of the income and displays "You owe $[tax amount] in taxes."

If the income is between $50,000 and $75,000, the programme calculates 15% of the income and displays "You owe $[tax amount] in taxes," and so on.

Let’s supply an income of $68000 and see what the program returns.

With an income of 68000 dollars, you will owe a tax of 10200 dollars.

Let’s supply an income of $120000 and see what the program returns.

So, with an income of 120,000 dollars, you will owe 24000 dollars in taxes.

Nested conditional statements can be used to make complex decisions based on multiple conditions. Using this concept, you can write code that can handle a variety of ongoing real-life scenarios and make decisions based on a variety of criteria. Nested If-Elif-Elif statements are especially useful in situations where multiple conditions must be met before deciding. You can write clean and organised code that makes the logic of your programme easier to understand by using the If-Elif-Else chain.

In this article, we have covered the fundamentals of nested conditional statements and how they can be used to make decisions based on multiple conditions. We also demonstrated how this concept can be applied to a real-world scenario to calculate a person's tax liability based on their income and tax bracket. It is critical to remember that nested conditional statements must be used with caution. They can make your code complex and difficult to understand if not used correctly. Always strive to write clean, well-organized code that is simple to read and understand.  


Python: “Advanced Conditional Statements in Python: Using List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions”


Python: “Conditional Statements in Python: The If-Else Statement”